Here at Daoust Ecoefficient Cleaners, we don’t sit back and wait for governments to make decisions to preserve the planet. We updated our business model in 2015, because we were convinced that a green revolution is possible. We believe that all our daily efforts have real impact on our future consumption. We do our part to save the planet!

1. Water, a scarce resource
We know that water is a precious resource. That’s why we developed our own aquaefficient technology and with Miele’s help, who our equipment supplier. Our machines use two times less water than a domestic machines.

2. Reduce carbon footprint
We are concerned about our electricity consumption, which is why we use low energy machines. Did you know that our aquaefficient technology consume four times less electricity than a domestic washing machine?

3. Protect oceans
We consume less to pollute less, that’s what we do at Daoust Ecoefficient Cleaners. We do not release any toxic waste from our retailers. We respect the planet, our employees and customers’ health.

4. Clothes that last longer
Our machines have hundreds of different programs so that each garment has its specific treatment and care. Daoust Ecoperformant Cleaners utilize these programs to care for all your clothes, so you can wear your favorite clothes, longer. At Daoust, we speak out against fast fashion and toxic cleaning products! We are eco-efficient and proud of it.
Follow the movement, take care of your garments and protect the planet!
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