The Daoust Ecoefficient Cleaners allows entrepreneurs a balanced lifestyle while offering opportunities to grow along the network. For broader information on our business opportunities, feel free to communicate with Alexandre Goupil-Lévesque, Business Development.
The past few months have been difficult to say the least for businesses. The COVID-19 stroked our economy and forced us to find creative solutions to adapt, be it with a mask cover, remote working, keeping our distances in close places such as restaurants, theaters, etc… Uncertainty linked to the future is very much present, so are we and we took this time to reinvent ourselves and keep going forward
1/ Choose an essential business
Daoust Ecoefficient Cleaners is a franchise model operating as an essential business as stated by all governments. This allowed us to stay open through the pandemic and to provide neighborhood services by applying hygiene regulations for the safety and security of our employees and clients.
2/ Leab on the strength of a well-established network
Since 1980, our franchise network brings a structured framework and useful field experience entrepreneurs. You will never be alone and as the Leader of the first franchise Cleaners Network in Canada we will always have your back
3/ Get answers to all your questions
Investing in and building a company can shade some doubts and questioning. Did I pick the right business? Is it the right activity sector? Do I have all the correct information? If you work with us at Daoust Ecoefficient Cleaners, you can safely assume the answer to all those questions is YES.
4/ Be coached from the beginning and throughout your project.
Field experts in technical, operational, marketing, finance are available to support you and identify solutions that are tailored to your situation. Our strenght is to always be reactive and dynamic, not just when you need us.
5/ Bet on a franchise that invests now in the future
Daoust Ecoefficient Cleaners propose a business model based on the circular. This way we propose sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions along with healthier consumer habits to meet our clients’ expectations.
The Daoust Ecoefficient Cleaners is the franchise that lets entrepreneurs adopt a balanced lifestyle and provides growth opportunities. For further information on our business openings, please fill out this form: