The secrets of our grandmothers for getting rid of stubborn stains abound on the Internet, but often these solutions from a by-gone era only aggravate the problem and embed the stains even more in the fabric.
Rubbing a grease stain with a white chalk? We’re not sure this is the most effective solution. Applying salt and lemon juice on your gorgeous leather coat to remove an ink mark? That’s really taking a risk. Rubbing vinegar on your shirt to remove a coffee stain? Your co-workers may turn their noses up at the odor.
Times have certainly changed since our grandmothers had to manage with whatever was at hand to remove stains.
They never hesitated to talk about their “experiences” in removing stains… often with unfortunate results!
Experts in treating stains
For several years now, gentle, ecological solutions for fibres have been appearing on the market. As well as being respectful towards the environment and harmless to your health, they are extremely effective.
It’s better to rely on a professional who has all the necessary tools to treat a stain without ruining the fabric. You can therefore avoid causing your garments irreparable harm.
Warn the cleaner about your unsuccessful experiences
How many people have rushed to the cleaner after having tried to remove an stubborn stain by themselves?
To avoid making the problem with your dress or tablecloth even worse, it is essential that you warn the experts at Daoust about any products you’ve applied to the stains.
We can then suggest the most suitable care for removing oil, ink or blood stains, and even unpleasant odors that have become embedded in your sports clothes.
But avoid making the same mistakes again. The next time your child draws a smiley face on your pant leg with a permanent marker or you find yourself with a tablecloth stained with red wine after a night of partying, take it straight to one of our 120 Daoust Eco-Efficient Cleaners locations.
You’ll save time and money by putting your trust in the professionals, and leaving the solutions from another era to Grandma!